Item Cost Savings

Item Cost Savings

Dashboard Path: Purchasing -> Purchasing Cost Savings -> Item Cost Savings

The purpose of the Item Cost Savings dashboard is to provide the big picture of the Cost Savings or Cost Increases. To compute the Cost Savings/Increases a benchmark needs to be chosen. This dashboard provides the ability to take the Avg Cost from the Previous Year or the Year Before Previous. The combination of filters & dynamic bar charts provides the ability to summarize the Cost Savings or Increases by Planner Code, Product Code, Family Code and Item.
  1. Only Inventory Items are included for this analysis. Non Inventory items are excluded.
  2. Items that were purchased in different unit measures (U/M) in the years of comparison are excluded from this analysis.
  3. With the selection as displayed below, Avg. Cost from Previous FY is considered as the benchmark and used to compute the Cost Savings/Increases for purchases made in FY Period 2023

  4. With the selection as displayed below, Avg. Cost from the Year before Previous FY is considered as the benchmark and used to compute the Cost Savings/Increases for purchases made in FY Period 2023 September
  5. Only Items purchased across both the FY Period and the benchmark year are included for the analysis.
  6. On the Summary Metrics table where the "Total Cost Savings/Increase Amount" and the "Total % Cost Savings/Increase" are provided, the numbers will be displayed in Red if the Cost has increased YoY and Green if the Cost has decreased YoY.
  7. The "Dynamic Bar Charts" have the option to summarize the selected measure by different dimensions - Planner Code, Commodity Code, Family Code, Product Code and Item as shown below,

Qty Purchased in Selected Period
Sum of quantity received in the selected period across all receipts
Avg. Unit Cost in Selected Period
Weighted Average of Unit Cost in the selected period across all receipts
Qty Purchased in Previous Yr
Qty Purchased in Yr before Previous
Sum of quantity received in the benchmark year across all receipts
Avg. Unit Cost in Previous Yr
Avg. Unit Cost in Yr before Previous
Weighted Average of Unit Cost in the benchmark year across all receipts
Unit Cost Reduction/Increase
Avg. Unit Cost in Current Yr - Avg. Unit Cost in Previous Yr
Cost Savings/Increase Amount
Qty Purchased in Current Yr * Unit Cost Reduction/Increase
% Cost Saving/Increase
Cost Savings/Increase Amount / (Qty Purchased in Current Yr * Avg. Unit Cost in Previous Yr) * 100

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